Putting AI into Action
techUK’s Putting AI into Action campaign serves as a one stop shop for showcasing the opportunities and benefits of AI adoption across four strategic sectors - Health and Social Care, Cyber, Central Government and Transport.
Over time we will look to expand this campaign to include other key markets and industries.
During this campaign, techUK will run a regular drumbeat of activity, including events, reports, and insights, to demonstrate some of the most significant opportunities for AI adoption in 2024, as well as working with key stakeholders to identify and address current barriers to adoption. This page is the home of all of our work on AI Adoption.
Our initial strategic markets of focus:

Health & Social Care
AI can have a transformative impact on the patient journey from detection to diagnosis and treatment of diseases and illnesses. This can help to free up time for staff to care for patients and enable a greater preventative and proactive approach to managing population health and care.

Cyber Security
Cyber security is pioneering the use and deployment of AI to tackle security challenges head-on, offering scalable and dynamic solutions that secure services and contribute to the UK’s economic stability.

Central Government
AI’s integration into the public sector can significantly enhance productivity to deliver more efficient services to citizens. This can help to relieve the considerable human resources devoted to administrative tasks and free up this time for more strategically important tasks.

From advancements in autonomous vehicles, to traffic management and safety. AI in transport has the potential to be the backbone of the UK economy, connecting places, people and businesses to drive productivity, whilst supporting the creation of new automated transport solutions.
Latest activity
AI Adoption events
AI Adoption news
Sign up for regular updates, or get involved with our work.
Putting AI into Action report
REPORT: AI Adoption in the UK: Putting AI into Action 2023
This paper will enable businesses and Government to put AI into action by showing how far the UK has come and what we need to do to make the country a global AI superpower. The report celebrates how AI has been implemented in a variety of use cases across the UK.
Get involved
All techUK's work is led by our members - get involved by joining a working group:

AI Adoption Working Group
techUK's AI Adoption Working Group is compromised of organisations from across sectors and markets within our membership. It provides members with the opportunity to discuss the barriers to AI adoption and how best to overcome these challenges, as well as to discuss AI adoption opportunities and areas for cross-industry collaboration and engagement with Government.
For more information please contact: