Belt and Road Summit 2021
The Summit will be held in a combination of virtual and physical formats this year, in which the Business Matching and Project Pitching session will be conducted virtually via online platform and webinar means.
2020 Highlights
- 80+ prominent international speakers
- ~80 participating countries and regions
- 17,000+ viewers of the webinar and live broadcast
- 250+ investment projects and 750+ one-to-one business matching meetings
All Summit participants can apply for Project Pitching Presentation (subject to selection) and Business Matching (for investors / projects owners). Please find the below updates of individual elements:
1) Project Pitching Presentation
Project pitching sessions will be staged throughout the Summit (1-2 Sep) with below four themes:
- Energy, Natural Resources & Public Utilities (e.g. renewable energy, waste treatment)
- Transport & Logistics Infrastructure
- Technology & Innovation (e.g. smart city technologies, health-tech, med-tech, bio-tech, building and construction tech)
- Urban Development (e.g. town/city planning, real estate)
Project presenters, once selected, will be offered:
- 10-minute speaking slot at the Project Pitching Session (via online and webinar style)
- Pre-arranged two (2) to three (3) Business Matching meetings in the Summit
- Project presenter to be featured on Summit website
- Project to be featured on Belt and Road Portal
The list of project pitching presentations in 2020 Summit can be found by clicking here.
2) Business Matching
Same as last year, the Summit will also provide business matching services to participants who are investors and project owners on dedicated online virtual platform. The list of BM projects in 2020 Summit can be found here.
For more information, please find below a leaflet and fact sheet on the Summit: