Building the Smarter State podcast series in partnership with KPMG - Bridging the digital skills gap
In the lead up to techUK’s flagship public sector conference Building the Smarter State, we are pleased to partner with KPMG to deliver a series of podcasts looking at key enablers of the smarter state. We all want to see a smarter state, for the benefit of both public service efficiency itself and to deliver a better experience to citizens – but there are some critical blockers to this. Listen to the first in the series of podcasts on Legacy IT here.
Thomas Beautyman, Deputy Director, Government Digital Capability at the Central, Digital and Data Office (CDDO) and Adrian Clamp, Partner and Head of Digital Transformation at KPMG join Georgina Maratheftis, techUK's Associate Director for Local Public Services to talk about the digital skills gap and the challenges around it, including the importance of digital leadership and what digital transformation looks like in the context of digital skills.
Listen to the conversation to hear practical ways and insights into how government and industry can better collaborate to address this issue and bridge the digital skills gap.
Help shape the future of the smarter state by attending the annual Building the Smarter State conference on the 27 September!
Listen to the rest of the series here:
For more information please contact:

Georgina Maratheftis
Georgina is techUK’s Associate Director for Local Public Services

Heather Cover-Kus
Heather is Head of Central Government Programme at techUK, working to represent the supplier community of tech products and services to Central Government.