techUK escrow
techUK provides excellent money saving opportunities to members by offering discounts to its software escrow service.

Software validation
techUK provides software source code validation service to organisations buying or selling software.

HR Support
Members benefit from a free one-hour legal consultation and access to HR Knowledge Base for templates, letters, guides and customisable policies.

Legal Support
Our legal support for members is designed to share expertise and experience within the techUK community. We run regular events, seminars and workshops, share best practice and identify topics of interest to help our member companies thrive.

Cyber Security and Cyber Essentials
Supporting techUK members towards Cyber Essentials certification with cyber security assessment.

Find your tech talent
Providing job ready qualified candidates without any fees for techUK members to fulfill your recruitment requirements

Institute of Sales Professionals - Academy
Improving Sales Skills - Many technology companies struggle to win as much business as their products deserve. To help you, we have partnered with the Institute of Sales Professionals. Learn more about what it takes to sell effectively.
For more information please contact:

Ruchika Kulkarni
Ruchika is the Business Development and Customer Relationship Manager at techUK.