Free resources for returners
Are you looking for courses, mentorship, and reskilling opportunities? Look no further! These organisations are dedicated to providing free opportunities to returners after a career break.
Women Returners Professional Network
We have a range of free Advice and Inspiration for Returning Professionals, including over 170 articles on topics from regaining confidence to telling your story, and motivating return-to-work success stories:
Do let’s keep in touch as we’re keen to tie together all initiatives to support returners. There is much to do! We will also add your hub to our tech resources page:
everywoman Development Course Opportunity

everywoman offers a two-day development programme which offers skills development in areas that we know can help women who have been out of the workplace for a period of time.
To be considered for a sponsored place on this programme, please send your updated CV to [email protected] with the subject title ‘everywoman Sponsored Returners Programme’.
Digital Mums


#techmums, is a not for profit, social enterprise start-up founded by Dr Sue Black, OBE.
Our mission is to change the lives of women, helping them grow their confidence, skills and passion for technology. Our goal is to create one million techmums by 2020.#techmums currently provides a space for mums of any ability to learn new skills in technology, ranging from the basics, all the way to coding and app building. Creating a robust knowledge economy starts with the education and empowerment of women.
"Educate a man and you educate one person, educate a woman and you educate a nation" African proverb. Our shared future is digital, we want to empower the whole of society focusing on mums first who will in turn inspire their families and communities to become tech savvy.
We will reach out to our one million techmums by offering a FREE online course called "#techmums tech taster" and later in the year, another course targeted at mums returning to work called #techreturners. We have major support from companies such as WPP and Capgemini.
#techmums tech taster builds confidence in technology enabling mums to feel ready to take on the digital world.
We are especially passionate about the #techreturners programme because we are techreturners ourselves.
We understand the challenges a woman faces on returning to work after a career break and passionately want to support women, like ourselves, to find their own success and find balance in their lives. #techreturners is unique because we are working closely with our target market and corporate partners to focus on the technology skills gap in today’s marketplace. We also understand the need to encourage more women into the technology to create a more diverse and truly 21st century workforce. #techreturners trains women who intend to return to the workforce with the specific skills required by industry.
The #techreturners course offers the appropriate tech and workplace/life skills that will get them on track back into a rewarding and fulfilling career. Continuous support is also provided through our mentoring programme and networking opportunities to ensure that our #techreturners not only have the skills, but also the confidence and contacts to flourish in their fabulous new career.
Pre-register for our #techmums tech taster programme at and while you are there have a look at our awesome success so far.
The Returners Database

The Returners Database, developed in association with The Diversity Project and powered by The Buy-Side Club, is a free online portal for people who have taken a career break to register their professional profiles and upload their CVs: Their details will be viewed by investment management companies to find suitable candidates for roles.
Asset managers are increasingly investing in technology, hiring digital experts, and adopting innovations, such as big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, fintech and blockchain. For more information about working in investments, please visit
KnowledgeKube - Rapid Application Development
KnowledgeKube is the platform that empowers #techreturners to create computer applications for Web, Windows and Mobile Devices, without having to learn complicated programming languages.
Our mission, to help #techreturners to reskill with the help of our platform and training resources, by providing an easier route to developing computer software applications.
Ever fancied working in the computer industry, creating software applications, but don’t know where to start? - We are providing #techreturners free online access to our KnowledgeKube Rapid Application Development Platform, and training courses.
All you need to get started is a computer and internet access.
Why not Register Now at:
#techreturners #kkreturnerstowork
Mums in Technology

Mums in Technology is the UK’s first baby-friendly coding school, encouraging you to bring your baby with you to every session. We train women in foundational coding skills and tech literacy during the maternity period within a child-inclusive, parent-friendly learning environment. By removing childcare obstacles and challenging cultural perceptions of motherhood, we empower women to envision new possibilities for their futures, while diversifying the talent pool and driving economic growth.
We offer a unique and flexible way of learning that fits around your life, your children and your ambitions. We believe maternity leave should be an opportunity for development, rather than a barrier. Use the time away from work to explore something new and get excited about tech!
Technology is all around us, and coding is no exception. Modern organisations – across all sectors – are dependent on technology, through apps, websites, social media, systems, programs and more. Knowing how to code and how to talk about technology will help futureproof your career – whatever your direction.
Services we offer: To inspire non-technical mums into technology careers and connect with the tech ecosystem through child-friendly coding classes, co working days, networking events, and talks with inspiring tech and business role models.
We offer the only child-friendly web development coding course in the UK specifically targeted towards mums. Our 6-week course covers HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, UX, Databases, Agile Methodology and How to hire a developer. Learn more at
Open University - Free Return to STEM Course

The Open University has produced a new free course. If you enrol and complete the course you can gain a digital badge and a Statement of Participation as a record of your achievement. Digital badges are a new way of demonstrating online that you have gained a skill. Schools, colleges and universities are working with employers and other organisations to develop open badges that help learners gain recognition for their skills, and support employers to identify the right candidate for a job.
This course is here to help you get back to work in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. The course is intended for anyone who wants to get back into STEM work after having a break, whether to care for family, because of redundancy or for other reasons.
There are case study videos placed throughout the course to show you how other people have navigated their own unconventional careers. Importantly, you will hear about how they have got back to STEM employment after a career break.
Talent Keepers Workshops