Independent analysis shows Tech Industry Gold programmes deliver outstanding student outcomes

In this analysis undertaken by Sagacity Research, results for programmes accredited as Tech Industry Gold were compared to those for computing overall excluding Tech Industry Gold programmes, and to all subjects overall.
Tom Lovell, MD, TechSkills, says:
“Delivering value to learners is central to the work of TechSkills. Accredited as Tech Industry Gold, our programmes have consistently delivered outstanding student outcomes against the key measures of professional employment, academic achievement and student diversity. In a world of ever-increasing change, it is important that we continue to review performance against these measures. It is for this reason that this research was commissioned, providing insight and analysis to inform our work in the future.”
Some of the key findings are highlighted below:
Tech Industry Gold graduates get good jobs more quickly
- 86% of Tech Industry Gold graduates are employed 18 months after graduation (cf 76% for computing overall, 73% for all degrees overall)
- Median salary for Tech Industry Gold graduates 18 months after graduation is £27k (bettered only by medicine & dentistry, veterinary sciences, and engineering & technology)
Tech Industry Gold graduates and degree apprentices get better grades
- 84% of Tech Industry Gold graduates achieve a 1st or 2:1. (cf 79% for computing overall, and 79% for all degrees overall)
- 92% of Tech Industry Gold degree apprenticeships achieved a 1st or 2:1 (cf 83% for computing overall, and 87% for all degree apprentices overall).
Tech Industry Gold programmes are more inclusive
- 35% of TIG graduates identified as BAME, second only to medicine & dentistry at 36%. (cf c27% for computing degrees and 24% for all subjects overall).
- 19% of TIG degree apprentices identified as BAME (cf 10% for computing overall and 8% for all degree apprentices overall).