Justice and Emergency Services Programme Activity
Click on the tabs below to see what the JES programme is working on...
Event Roundup – Justice Digital Leadership Team Briefing and Roundtable
On Tuesday 27 February the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) programme had the exciting opportunity to host a virtual briefing and roundtable discussion with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).
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Working Groups and Committees

Justice and Emergency Services Management Committee
The Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme has over 300 members who are represented by the JES Management Committee (JESMC). The JESMC is a group of 20 representatives of companies in techUK's membership who work together to oversee the strategic leadership and direction of the programme.
Robert Leach, Chair, Director, R Leach Consulting Katie Taffler, Vice-Chair, Criminal Justice Lead, Accenture (Interim Vice-Chair: Daniel Boyd Vice President at Mastek)
VAWG and RASSO Tech Working Group
Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth leads the VAWG taskforce, established in 2021 to deliver a step change in the police response to tackling violence against women and girls.

Digital Justice Working Group
A member-led working group exploring opportunities to drive digital transformation across the Criminal Justice System, working closely with partners from the Ministry of Justice, HMPPS, HMCTS and the Crown Prosecution Service. The working group is now closed for nominations. However, if you wish to stay up to date with this work, please get in touch.

Interoperability for Policing Working Group
Lack of interoperability of tech solutions, systems and tools is a recognised challenge in the policing sector, and indeed more widely across the ecosystem. The InterOp-Pol initiative is member-led and aims to change commercial behaviour and mindset with regards to interoperability challenges, by facilitating the development of a charter. The charter is by industry and for industry and outlines a company’s commitment to openness and interoperability.

Security and Public Safety SME Forum
The Security and Public Safety SME Forum seeks to include a broad grouping of different SME companies working in the National Security and Justice & Emergency Services sectors.
Meet the Justice and Emergency Services Management Committee 2024/2026
Bringing an exciting end to the year, techUK is delighted to announce the results of the Justice and Emergency Services Management Committee (JESMC) for the 2024/2026 tenure.
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) Tech Hub
Through our work with Government, Policing, and wider Criminal Justice System (CJS) agencies, techUK is showcasing key thought leaders in the space of tech's role in supporting the Justice system's work to tackle and prevent cases of VAWG and RASSO. This Centre highlights the latest developments and ideas within the VAWG and RASSO space, supporting policymakers and Policing leaders.
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VAWG and RASSO updates
Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities on our work around VAWG and RASSO from our Justice and Emergency Services programme.
Digital Justice updates
Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities on our work around Digital Justice from our Justice and Emergency Services programme.
Interoperability in Policing updates
Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities on our work around Interoperability in Policing from our Justice and Emergency Services programme.
Fire and rescue updates
Sign-up to get the latest updates and opportunities on our work around Fire and rescue from our Justice and Emergency Services programme.