New techUK Local Public Services Committee 2023 announced
Nominations to join techUK’s Local Public Services Committee (LPSC) opened this summer and we are delighted to announce the new members.
Composed of 25 techUK members, 11 SME reps and 14 from larger companies, this year’s LPSC brings together a diverse range of tech industry leaders who will champion the sector and drive an ambitious programme of activity between techUK and local public services.
The LPSC drives techUK’s work for delivering better local public service outcomes and working with councils and wider tech industry to create the environment that enables transformation to happen and innovation to flourish at the local level. Over the last two years the committee has hosted several councils, published the Local Public Services Innovation: Creating a catalyst for change report as well as launched an Innovators Network series and the inaugural Local Public Services Innovation Summit.
The LPSC will continue to provide a neutral forum for local government stakeholders to engage with industry, have constructive dialogue as well as horizon scan how the technology of today and tomorrow can solve some of the most pressing issues for people and places.
The committee is committed to engaging and hearing from as many local authorities as possible and will be meeting at least once a quarter in the regions to hear directly from a local public service leader. If you would like to host a future meeting or join a virtual one get in touch now with Ileana Lupsa or Georgina Maratheftis!
Now for the part you’ve been waiting for, please see below our new members:
- Sharna Quirke, Hitachi Solutions
- Denis Kaminskiy, Arcus Global
- Chris Melia, Capita
Local Public Services Committee members
- Alankar Urankar, Wipro Limited
- Alastair Sharp, Civica
- Alex Gore, UBDS IT Consulting
- Amanda Whicher, Hays
- Andy Bell, ITS Technology Group Ltd
- Cameron Bell, Condatis
- Clare White, Riverbed
- James Wells, Virgin Media O2
- Denis Kaminskiy, Arcus Global
- Dimple Khagram, Purple beard Ltd
- Gerry Hackett, RDC
- Giles Martin, Landmark Solutions
- Helen Berry, CDW UK
- Helen Gerling, Shaping Cloud Ltd
- Martin Smith, SAP
- Matt Johnson, CDS Ltd
- Robin Denton, Microsoft
- Sean Price, Splunk
- Stephen Ferry, IEG4
- Tom Somers, SkenarioLabs
- William Harris, Neos Networks

I am very pleased to be selected by my peers to take on the role of Chair of the Local Public Services Committee. I have been working with local government and technology for near 20 years and I’m excited to be able to contribute to the sector in this additional way. I look forward to working with a diverse range of equally committed and driven professionals on this committee and engaging councils to see how we can collaboratively drive innovative change to a sector we have all chosen to serve.
We are delighted to announce techUK’s new Local Public Services Committee which has a rich mix of suppliers across the local government market, including companies of all different sizes. techUK looks forward to working with this group of members to build on the good work from previous years to deliver meaningful change. Helping to break down the barriers between councils and suppliers to create the environment for change and harness real innovation and transformation. We are excited for what this committee will deliver. We are also committed to working with as many councils as possible, putting the spotlight on the good work that exists and hearing first-hand the common challenges. If you’re a council that would like to host a future Local Public Services Committee then please get in touch.

Georgina Maratheftis
Georgina is techUK’s Associate Director for Local Public Services

Ileana Lupsa
Ileana Lupsa is the Programme Manager for Local Public Services and Nations and Regions, at techUK.
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