The techUK podcast: Female tech leaders in Justice and Policing: Not IF you can, but HOW you can
A really inspiring discussion with three women, from different backgrounds – some which chose this career path and others which fell into it. Their roles, enabling them to really make a difference, urging the next generation to have open conversations, to be inquisitive about differences and understand the value of a diverse workforce. The more diversity you have in any group, the more choices you have, the more opinions – so the better it will be.
We need more women, both in tech and law enforcement. We also need more male allies!
Georgie Henley, Head of Justice and Emergency Services, techUK
Moira Roberts, Public Sector Lead - Blue Light, Justice & Central Government at Cloud Gateway
Charlotte Hails, Justice & Policing Lead at Virgin Media o2 Business
Linda Wales, Home Office & Justice Account Director at Pegasystems
Make sure you register to join us on 20 June, for an afternoon of panel discussions and networking, bringing together members and stakeholders to showcase the work and impact women are having across the National Security, Policing and Defence. Sectors which are predominately still male dominated sectors. Sign up to attend our Women in Security, Policing and Defence event.
For more information please contact:

Georgie Morgan
Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, then becoming Head of Programme in January 2022.