techUK members only
This group is open to techUK members only. Find out more about the benefits of techUK membership, on our Become a Member page.
Objectives and purpose
The Security and Public Safety SME Forum will provide techUK members operating within the National Security and Justice and Emergency Services sectors with a platform to advance their growth, connect with peers and potential collaborators and engage with key government and industry stakeholders.
The Forum will be chaired by a Chair and Vice-Chairs from an SME company from the membership, who will be elected as part of the Security and Public Safety Management Committee elections on a 2 yearly basis.
For more information please contact:
Raya Tsolova
Raya Tsolova is a Programme Manager at techUK.

Cinzia Miatto
Cinzia joined techUK in August 2023 as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager.