Take part in techUK’s cyber security apprenticeship survey for employers
We believe that, in order to encourage greater take up of cyber security apprenticeships, it may be useful to produce some clear guidance specifically for employers (of all sizes) on how to set up & run cyber security apprenticeships.
To test this assumption, we have created this brief survey to find out what employers perceive as the barriers to more employers setting up and offering cyber apprenticeships. We would be very grateful if you could please take a few minutes to answer these questions.
The results of this survey will primarily be used to help techUK understand if there is indeed a need for this guidance; however, please note that they may be published at some point in the future. If the results are published, they will be anonymized.
Please do share this survey with your networks, too!

Jill Broom
Jill is techUK’s Programme Manager for Cyber Security, working across the cyber eco-system to bring industry together with key stakeholders across the public and private sectors.
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