techUK and National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Memorandum of Understanding | Digital Data and Technology Portfolio
techUK and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) have collectively and collaboratively been engaging and consulting with the technology sector at a local and national level with the view of improving the market’s understanding of the NFCC’s DDaT commitments, as well as enabling the formation and delivery of robust and informed strategic and procurement DDaT activities across the UK fire and rescue sector.
NFCC -an independent membership association and the professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service - strategic aims are to:
Advise, influence and coordinate UK fire and rescue services and related organisations;
Develop solutions and tools to support UK fire and rescue services;
Provide personal and professional development for its members; and
Support the national response to major fire and rescue service incidents, events and issues.
Launched in 2022, Fit for the Future establishes a shared ambition for the future of fire and rescue services. Developed in partnership with the NFCC, National Employers (England), and the Local Government Association, Fit for the Future represents the ambitions of employers, elected representatives, and senior professionals in fire and rescue services for the next five years.
Its purpose, using a sound evidence base, is to identify where reform and improvements are most needed, and identify how that change can be delivered at local and national levels, supporting its implementation across all fire and rescue services. Whilst focused on England, the aspirations and improvements within Fit for the Future are relevant and appropriate for the wider UK fire and rescue sector.
What will the MoU mean for NFCC and techUK?
Objectives and key deliverables
The techUK and National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) partnership has been established to facilitate and foster a culture whereby NFCC and companies from the DDaT industry sector work together collaboratively exchanging ideas, knowledge and skills.
The two organisations will work together to explore the opportunities and actions required to ensure that partnership working is achieved through a series of events and a forum/ working group bringing together relevant DDaT leads from across the fire sector with the techUK membership.
The partnership between techUK and the NFCC will:
Establish a working group/ forum and run a series of events/ roundtables between fire sector DDaT leads and techUK members.
Increase industry awareness of the remit and objectives of amongst the fire and rescue supplier communities.
Support a more transparent, vibrant and accessible market for technology in the fire sector.
Strengthen the relationships between the fire sector and the private sector to enable NFCC to realise its DDaT ambitions.
Support the technology industry to navigate the public sector market, and more specifically the fire and rescue service landscape and gain a better understanding of NFCC’s areas of responsibility and priorities.
Encourage the technology industry to actively inform and shape the NFCC’s DDaT strategy and roadmap.
- Provide the technology industry with the access and opportunity to contribute in solving any future digital challenges and putting forward innovative solutions.
Share knowledge amongst key stakeholders.
Build trust and foster positive relationships between the technology industry and NFCC members by creating a common understanding of shared goals and priorities.
- Assist fire and rescue services to inform and design relevant procurement and commercial strategies.
Provide a forum for trusted, open and honest dialogue that gives a mechanism for problem solving and the opportunity to raise concerns, share opinions and exchange ideas.
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Georgie Morgan
Georgie joined techUK as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager in March 2020, then becoming Head of Programme in January 2022.

Cinzia Miatto
Cinzia joined techUK in August 2023 as the Justice and Emergency Services (JES) Programme Manager.
Ella Gago-Brookes
Ella joined techUK in November 2023 as a Markets Team Assistant, supporting the Justice and Emergency Services, Central Government and Financial Services Programmes.