02 Jan 2024
by Alex Lawrence

What to expect from techUK’s Health & Social Care Council in 2024

Following a competitive set of elections, I am delighted to announce that techUK’s Health & Social Care Council has now elected a new Chair and two Vice-Chairs. Shane Tickell (CEO, Temple Black) will lead the Council as Chair, after several years as Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair positions will now be filled by Charlotte Lewis (Commercial Lawyer, Mills & Reeve) and Phillipa Winter (Chief Technologist, CDW).

Shane, Charlotte, and Phillipa will spearhead the Council’s efforts in 2024, guiding both techUK and our public sector partners. Have a read below to find out what your new Chair and Vice-Chairs will be prioritising, as well as to hear from two new Council members Justin Whatling (Managing Director Global Health & Life Sciences, Palantir) and Paula Ridd (Strategy Director, Health & Care, Civica) on their 2024 priorities for the Council.

See the full list of Health & Social Care Council members here.

If you would like to find out more about what the Council do, join our session on 29th February for an overview of techUK’s Health & Social Care Programme. 

I will support the council in enhancing the scale-up support package, ensuring that it is accepted and embraced by all political parties. Start-ups offer great value creation at their early stages, but having the ability to reap this value and scale it up is crucial and challenging. Scaling has significant innovation and ecosystem effects, supporting the whole economy through the multiplier effect this would have on development, employment growth and value addition to the economy. As Chair of the Scale-Up Council, my objective is to lead initiatives that address the key barriers to scaling up in response to the techUK plan and the Seven Tech Priorities for the next Government. This includes developing talent pipelines, helping accelerate the formation of a stable and conducive regulatory framework that protects investors and companies, advocating for infrastructure development leveraging on the existing testbed, labs and infrastructure;  help guiding new investments; work on improving access to various forms of financing, exploring and overcoming diversity and inclusion barriers for underrepresented groups. I will direct my efforts to supporting the Council in strengthening the UK's position as a leading destination for innovation and growth, ensuring scale-ups have the necessary support to thrive and contribute significantly to the economy.

Mireille Elhajj


I’m delighted to be nominated as the Vice Chair for techUK’s Scale-Up Council, a superb initiative in collaboration with DSIT, all about providing direct support to 100 scale-ups in the UK and a committee to provide strategic direction. 2024 is an exciting year for scale-ups: we’ve seen some positive steps by the Government in recent years and a push towards greater collaboration between the public & private sectors, the financial services industry, and key trade bodies like techUK. Scale-up companies are essential for driving productivity, local economies and innovation. My aim is to help bring awareness of the role they play and offer direct experience of working in this ecosystem. With Mireille as Chair and members of the whole council, I hope to drive collaboration, advocate for meaningful policies, and shape a future where scale-ups have everything they need to innovate, grow and flourish in the UK.

Hollie Hodgson


It’s an honour to have been chosen to co-vice chair for techUK's Health and Social Care Council along with Phillipa and I’m hugely thankful to my fellow council members for this opportunity. Together with the Council and members, we will continue to raise awareness of the role technology and the industry can play in shaping the future of digital health and care in the UK, fostering collaboration between the public and the private sector for the benefit of patients, the health and care workforce and our wider economy. With the right approach, technology will be a key enabler in improving health and social care in the UK and globally.

Charlotte Lewis



There is, rightly, an increasing focus on empowering UK companies to scale, and on ensuring conditions are right to drive investment and economic growth. All businesses will benefit from a pro-growth and pro-innovation environment, but making sure policy and outputs are aligned to this agenda is critical for the UK’s scale-ups. One underpinning factor in achieving this is connectivity. Reliable connectivity is the backbone of our economy. Given Vorboss’ expertise in this area, I plan to champion connectivity and infrastructure investment, resilience, and the ability to meet our future-facing connectivity needs so that UK businesses can benefit from emerging technology and stay globally competitive. In addition, I look forward to working with the Council to drive diversity, future-facing skills for all, and cutting public procurement red tape to the benefit of the public sector and the UK’s innovative businesses.

Casey Calista


A whitespace exists within the UK's "early-stage / scale-up / later-stage" technology lifecycle. Without collaboration, execution, communication and investment, we won't be able to fully uncover and realize its maximum potential. I believe that techUK's Scale-Up Council has an awesome opportunity to guide dialogue regarding challenges and opportunities facing scale-up businesses in the UK and I'm excited to listen, engage and support the team as a new member of the council.

Mike Eisenberg

Genuine Capital


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Alex Lawrence

Alex Lawrence

Programme Manager, Health and Social Care, techUK