**Please note that this event has been changed. Officials from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology are no longer able to attend due to the pre-election period. However, techUK will still be running this session to gather members' feedback to help inform our response to the call for views on the Software Vendors Code of Practice**
On Monday 24 June (14.00-15.30) techUK is delighted to be hosting a workshop for members on the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT)'s proposed voluntary Code of Practice for Software Vendors.
On 15 May, DSIT launched a Call for Views on the Code of Practice for Software Vendors. This asks stakeholders to give their views on the design and implementation of the proposed code of practice. The proposed code of practice aims to improve the security and resilience of the software that underpins all digital technologies that organisations across our economy have come to rely upon.
This workshop is an opportunity for members to provide techUK's cyber team with your feedback on this proposed policy which will help to inform our response to the Call for Views. We encourage anyone with an interest in software resilience to attend this workshop, including those from organisations who develop and sell software as well as individuals with insights into software procurement.
Book your place now!
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